Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is It Really Termites?!

If you’ve recently had a termite specialist assess damage in your property and the outcome wasn’t good, then get a second opinion. I know you’ve probably spent about $300 dollars to have an inspection carried out but there are other ways of getting an expert opinion, which will cost you nothing at all.

Find a reputable company to identify the damage by emailing them images of the damaged timber or area in question, the damage may not include the presence of termites but a professional termite specialist can distinguish the difference between borer damage, weather damage or termite damage.
You don’t have a computer? don’t despair most pest control companies will come out to the property site free of charge and identify the damage. Don’t accept one opinion, there are over zealous companies out there who will stop at nothing at making a buck, and who insist on unecessary expensive treatments.
Once damage has been identified then you can invest in having your property inspected, this is to determine whether there is termite activity present. If activity has been established your next course of action will be to have a termite treatment carried out, this will protect your home for up to 10 years.
Depending on the accessibility of the area to be treated and the size of the property, a treatment may set you back between $1,500 and $5,000 this is a small price to pay to protect your greatest asset, remember you can’t get insurance for termites.
Termites are destructive and can destroy a home in a matter of a few years, so even if you don’t have termites a wise move is a preventative treatment. If a treatment is not financially viable, then an inspection at least every 12 months will detect termites, before they have had a chance to do any major damage.

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